Spoiler alert

Let’s Talk About Allegiant

!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!! THIS POST INCLUDEDS MAJOR SPOILERS TO THE END OF THE DIVERGENT SERIES. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS OR HAVE YET TO READ THE BOOK I SUGGEST THAT YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW. THERE WILL BE NO GOING BACK! opinions will be made in this post that are the sole opinion of the blogger, but most certainly not the only opinion out there.

Allegiant                                      Tris

It’s been 24 hours since I finished Allegiant and I think its safe to say how I’m feeling. I am not acting on my immediate emotions, rather I have had time to think about what I’m feeling and I have also taken the time to see what everyone is saying about the end of Allegiant online.

So Tris died. I might as well just say it; the elephant in the room. There have been many discussions about this and I just want to get my opinion out there whether or not it is the most popular one. I was really sad when she died. I almost didn’t believe it and then I was in shock. I wanted the best for her, after all she deserved the long life with Tobias she dreamed of. And yet the way she died only made my respect for her grow. She paid the ultimate price for her brother, for her city, and for the cause. Her death was beautiful and I couldn’t imagine another way that would do her character justice. I cried for her when she died, but I cried even more for Tobias. He lost his teammate, his best friend, and the love of his life. But when I finished Allegiant last night there was this feeling of complete peace. I was at peace with the her life, at peace with the ending and oddly enough I was at peace with my life as a whole. It was as if my spirit had calmed and my soul was at rest.

Yes her death was not the ideal ending for the series, but it was beautifully done. Also, it was something that hasn’t been done in a very popular series in a long time. Roth took a huge risk writing the ending this way and I have to say I’m impressed. And while we’re on the subject of impressive things I just want to point out in case you missed it the first time. Tris SURVIVED the death serum. She was a freaking rock star and she would have made had David not shot her. That’s something I just haven’t been able to forget.

Now I know majority of the people will disagree with me and that’s okay. I know for many people this ruins the entire series for them and I’m very sorry to hear that. Be that as it may, Roth has some things to say in the defense of the ending which I think would be good for all of us to read and consider before we completely trash the series as the “worst ever” or “ruined for good.”

“It’s actually been set up that way. At the end of the first book she almost experiences death … and she sort of plays around with the idea of self-sacrifice …. In the second book the same thing happens …. In the third book, she learns what it actually means to sacrifice yourself. It has to be necessary; it has to be out of love. And to me it was her finally understanding what her parents were trying to teach her in Abnegation,” she added.”

You have to admit that Roth makes a compelling argument for the ending of Allegiant. Once I read this it all seemed to make sense. Once I realized Roth had been trying to make this point the whole time I was even less upset about the ending.  I loved how she worked that in and she totally snuck that past me! I can’t believe I missed that. If Roth’s comment doesn’t work for you how about the girl who will be playing Tris in the Divergent movies.

“I think it’s awesome, and the coolest decision that’s ever happened in the young adult novel world. I’m such a fan!” Woodley said.

There you have it. Shailene Woodley herself. I think its great she has such a positive attitude; especially since she has to be her. I’m not saying you have to love the series or love the way Roth chose to end it, I just want you to know all of the facts. Personally I still love the series and plan on reading it again. I agree with what both women had to say and make the case that Allegiant. Even though I know how the series ends I will still recommend it to people and still reread the series.

***As for the debate over whether or not to end the movie series the same way as the book, I think its a no brainer. Respect the series, respect Roth’s choice and make it just like the book. It may even bring previously angry or upset people to peace with the series if they can do it well enough.
